Friday, 17 August 2012


Traditionally we think Textiles as cloth that we wear. But to be specific, textiles mean a woven. A product that is woven by the warp yarn and weft yarn; no matter it is to be interlaced each other or not. Other related terms like textile fibers, fabrics, yarn, sliver, machines, knitting, dyeing, printing, designs, art, engineering, cotton, coir, bamboo, tex, raw materials, synthetics, nano textiles etc are in the broad Textiles Category. Some other broad but extremely related of terms that are in Textiles category which is like Garment or Apparels, Yarn Manufacturing, Fabric Manufacturing or Weaving, Dyeing or Printing (Traditional Dyeing or Digital Printing), Finishing or Final engineering works on Textiles to make it more appealing to the consumers and buyers and then Textiles product exporting.
There are three ways about how a textile is made:-
Weaving: In this method; two yarns is used to interlace each other and this is how the fabrics are made. By combining two earn from the row to Colum axis makes a continuous fabric which is later be processed as per customer needs and requirements. It is worth mentioning that the Warp yarn is basically stronger than the Weft yarn because Warp yarn would have to face the hard beats of the reeds.

Knitting: Knitting needles are used to make such type of fabric. One needle is continuously providing the adequate yarns to another yarn for making an interlacement. Some machines named circular Knitting Machines; Compound Knitting Machine, Flat Knitting machines are used to make such type of fabric. Textiles called Upholstery are basically a Textile Knitting Technology and many of such textiles are made by the hand and needles. You better check out some knitting videos here.

Felted Fabric: This is probably the most advanced Technology for the Textiles World. In this technology, textiles are made by felting or pressurizing two yarns or cloths each other without having any interlacements. No needles or shuttles or reeds are used to make the Felted Cloth. Basically these types of Textiles are used as Heavy textiles and sometimes used as a jacket or overcoat etc.

This is all about the Textiles. If someone ask you about “What is Textiles?” then you may reply the exact thing which I just told you above along with some textile related definitions and terms.

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